Dr. Parul Dham
- Dr. Parul Dham has been working as a dentist registered with RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ontario) since 2022. She moved to Canada in 2020 and completed the NDEB certification exams despite the pandemic, all on the first attempt. She had a high score in AFK and was invited for an interview for IDAPP at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. She then passed ACJ, ACS, and Board exams to achieve her dream of practicing dentistry in Canada.Dr. Parul completed BDS from DAV Dental College, Yamuna Nagar (Haryana, India) in 2005 where secured Silver Medals in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of academics. She also obtained the certificate of the highest scorer in Pedodontics from The Indian Society of Pedodontics. After scoring a top rank in the All India PG examination, she completed her MDS in Endodontics from Govt Dental College, Patiala (Punjab, India) in 2009. She then ran her own clinical practice while she joined Punjab Civil Medical Services as a Dental Officer in 2011 where she worked for 9 years passionately serving the less privileged in different ways.
Dr. Parul is a proud mother who has proved to the world that becoming a Canadian dentist with a family is not an impossible dream to achieve.